Score Confirmations

Alex Lukachko

A somewhat common problem is that scores are not input correctly and nobody notices (seems to get worse in games at the end of the evening . . . who knows why). But adding a "confirm" button for each player to press after quickly reviewing scores would be an easy way to not end up with problems to be fixed after the game is closed.


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Chris Collins

Thanks for the suggestion. We've actually considered this as a possible feature to address this problem too! There are some practical difficulties to consider with this approach, namely additional time and the scenario where a player refuses to sign off. But this is certainly under consideration. Let's see how many up votes we get.

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Alex Lukachko

Cool. Could be the players, or could be the league runners, or could be just anyone willing to do a double check. Might not be that much extra time in the end. Anyway, great!


Chris Collins

Status changed to: Under review