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My device has little memory left. I move my app to an external memory card, but your app doesn't allow that option. I think it...
Can the league match randomizer distribute league games evenly within a night of throwing? The idea here is to make the space...
Add the ability to change the ruleset in the pool play portion of the event module, like you can in the playoffs portion.
Add the ability to import players into league rosters using a comma separated list just like the tournament module can.
Players need to be able to see their big axe rankings in global rankings separate from hatchet rankings.
When you send a chat, the person your "chatting" with does receive a notification. I have sent 3 chats to 3 different people...
Median and Mode stats - Median: the middle value that separates the higher half from the lower half of the data set - Mode:...
Include a column on Tournament / Playoff Stats that shows CRS changes. Could just be a cumulative change (should be easier)...
Differentiate premier clutches and touch clutches in premier league scoring for better stat tracking.