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Uninstall and reinstalled, cleared cash and cookies still not working.
During week 2 play my week 1 scores disappeared completely as did 3/4 of my games for week 2. My name kept appearing then...
Hello, When I compare myself against one of the members of our leagues and click Career or last 12 months. The charts for...
Recurring issue / difficulty - when scoring Premier matches on an Ipad, have seen many scorekeepers struggle to press the green...
We have noticed a fairly large number of instances of games getting stuck on Round 4 of 3, and not being able to finish the...
We ran a marathon premier league and CRS points were not adjusted. I’ve gone through everybody’s matches and no points were...
Hasn't been updated since April. Number of 81s, 75+ averages, etc. could use an update.
Under 75+ average, Warner and Lafleur are both showing 81+ averages, which is impossible to achieve. This is likely as a result...
For obvious reasons, they shouldn't not be on the Axescores home page and compared head-to-head with regular leagues.
Cannot change the lane of a playoffs game to match the lane displays in a multi-lane league final. Cursor comes up with a valid...